Published Books

Interactive Key to the fucalean species of the Istrian Coast

HabCys Team (2023)

Education material on Fucalean Species of the Istrian Coast (2022)

Published Articles

Increased ammonium levels occurring during benthic algal blooms are potentially toxic to fucalean algae

Iveša, L., Djakovac, T., Bilajac, A., Gljušćić, E. and Devescovi, M. (2021)

Botanica Marina 64 (4), 267-274.

Gongolaria barbata forest in the shallow lagoon on the southern Istrian Coast (northern Adriatic Sea)

Iveša, L., Bilajac, A., Gljušćić, E., Najdek M. (2022)

Botanica Marina 65 (4), 255-268.

First restoration experiment for endemic Fucus virsoides on the western Istrian coast - Is it feasible?

Gljušćić, E., Bilajac, A., Smith, S., Najdek, M., Iveša, L. (2023)

Plants 12, pp. 1445.

Effects of extreme temperatures and recovery potential of Gongolaria barbata from a coastal lagoon in the northern Adriatic Sea: an ex situ approach

Bilajac, A., Gljušćić, E., Smith, S., Najdek, M., Iveša, L. (2024)

Annals of Botany 134 (3), 415–426




Conference Posters

Poster: Site-specific predictive models for estimating wet biomass of macroalga Gongolaria barbata from two sites

Bilajac, A., Gljušćić, E., Smith, S., Iveša, LJ. (2023)

8th European Phycological Congress (EPC8) (2023)

Poster: Adaptation to temperature extremes could improve marine forest restoration success. A case study for a unique, isolated Gongolaria barbata population in the northern Adriatic Sea

Smith, S., Gljušćić, E., Bilajac, A., Iveša, LJ. (2023)

8th European Phycological Congress (EPC8) (2023)

Poster: Epiphyte community in two prominent fucalean algae on the western Istrian coast

Gljušćić, E., Bilajac, A., Smith, S., Iveša, LJ. (2023)

8th European Phycological Congress (EPC8) (2023)

Poster: Habitat complexity influences survival of the vulnerable canopy forming macroalgal species Gongolaria barbata in the northern Adriatic Sea

Smith, S., Fućak, A., Gljušćić, E., Bilajac, A., Iveša, Lj. (2023)

International Temperate Reefs Symposium (ITRS23) (2023)

Poster: First restoration experiment for endemic
Fucus virsoides J. Agardh on western Istrian coast

Gljušćić, E., Bilajac, A., Smith, S., Iveša, Lj. (2022)

14th Croatian Biological Congrass (2022)

Poster: Gongolaria barbata forest in the shallow lagoon on the southern Istrian Coast (northern Adriatic Sea)

Bilajac, A., Gljušćić, E., Najdek, M., Iveša, Lj. (2022)

14th Croatian Biological Congrass (2022)

Poster: Jadranski fukus (Fucus virsoides J. Agardh) na obali Istre: prošlost, sadašnjost i (možda) budućnost

Gljušćić, E., Bilajac, A., Smith, S., Iveša, Lj. (2022)

Znanstveno stručni skup Klimatske promjene i očuvanje morskih ekosustava Jadranskog mora (2022)

Poster: Kartiranje i relativna brojnost vrsta iz reda Fucales u zoni mediolitorala i infralitorala zapadne obale Istre

Bilajac, A., Gljušćić, E., Smith, S., Iveša, Lj. (2022)

Znanstveno stručni skup Klimatske promjene i očuvanje morskih ekosustava Jadranskog mora (2022)

Poster: Rediscovery of Digenea simplex (Wulfen) C. Agardh (Rhodomelaceae,
Ceramiales) in the northern Adriatic

Gljušćić, E., Bilajac, A., Iveša, Lj. (2022)

6th Faculty of Science PhD Student Symposium (2022)